– John C. Hardy
October 19, 1987, thirty three years ago today Scott and I were sitting in offices next to one another when the market dropped like it never had before, 500 points in one day or about 22%. The day would become known as Black Monday. It was a day that I will never forget.
In those early days, Scott and I shared a computer that was on a lazy Susan that we would rotate back and forth to provide quotes and other information to clients. About 7:00pm on Black Monday I looked over at Scott and I realized we were both covered in sweat from the very long day of trying to make sense of what was going on in addition to calling all of our clients. It took a couple of years for the markets to get back to previous highs and we kept going though those highs and many more albeit not in a straight line. I am glad and fortunate to be still working with so many of you who were indeed clients 33 years ago.
One of the things that I think is interesting about Hardy Reed is that Scott and I have been business partners for over 33 years and have weathered so many storms during that time. We have been through the Black Monday and rebound, The Bull Market of the 90s, the 2000-2002 downturn and rebound and the Real Estate collapse in 2008 – 2009 and the rebound, and the decline earlier this year due to Covid and the rebound. It has been an interesting ride to say the least. We are smart enough not to say we have seen it all but we have seen a lot and we look forward to the future with the knowledge that we have gained from the past.